Trial and Error

By DawnC

Flying tonight

Well Son2 and I got from Heathrow to Edinburgh straightforwardly enough and had just an hour to kill before our connecting flight to Kirkwall at 2.10 pm...

First there was a half an hour delay...
This then became an hour...
Then we boarded the plane...
We began to taxi...
Then we stopped due to a problem with the hydraulics...
We sat on the plane and sweltered for a while...
Then we were sent back to the terminal...
Some time later they gave up on the plane and arranged to get a replacement one in from Aberdeen...
Much later we boarded the new plane...
The engines and lights went off...
We waited for a new power pack to be delivered...
The engines started up...
We waited...
And there was a technical hitch with this plane too...
We were taken back to the terminal again...
We passed the passengers for the 7pm flight who were now boarding their plane...
We were finally given refreshment vouchers (though they didn't cover drinks)...
We queued at the cafe. I blew our vouchers on chocolate and crisps having already eaten during a previous spell in the terminal...
At about 8 pm we re-boarded the plane...

And at around 9 pm we finally arrived in Orkney! So not the picture I had envisaged but this is the one to sum the day up :/

Having spent 7 hours there, Edinburgh airport's catchphrase 'Haste ye back' has a certain irony to it...

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