By JoeMB


In the year 2010 this beautiful jack-fruit tree survived an impending merciless 'lynching'. The 'crimes' committed by this tree was littering its environment with foliage which had to be removed each day!! Secondly, the compound manager thought its roots, though invisible without sophisticated imaging instruments, were endangering the foundation of two neighboring structures including a septic tank!! Both of these structures are visible on the left and right of the fruit tree. We put in a spirited fight, one of us going to the extent of offering to remove the leaves every morning. The motorized saw had been rented and the hacker was well set to carry our an act of unprovoked aggression against nature. Thank God this move was nipped in the bud and this beauty is still surviving. I took the picture just a few minutes ago. The sun was struggling to shine through fuzzy clouds and so this is the best picture I could come up with. This tree bears one of the most delicious fruits on earth. We have several of these trees around but this one is the biggest and we are resolved to protect it to the last drop of blood- just an old expression to emphasize our strong resolve.

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