
By Fido

Scotland on top

The middle boy on top of Bennachie, kitted out in full Scotland strip ahead of the game. He didn't stay up to watch it but he did stay up long enough to hear about the first goal so went to bed happy thinking Scotland won.

A lifetime of disappointment awaits.

When I told him the final score this morning (thurs) he asked if England had cheated. "No", I said, "they are just a better team". "For now", he said smirking; "but not when I'm older and playing for Scotland".

The confidence of youth.

Had a lovely Wednesday with the Nordics who were passing through en route to the boat. They arrived, we drank coffee and juice, we packed a lunch and headed up to the top of the Benn (littlest's first time!), ran back down, drove home, drank a glass of juice and they were off.

My mum popped in for tea and bedtime stories, as if she just lived around the corner. Lovely.

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