Body Language...

What a difference!! Alfred as an insecure new puppy, and now...

I love the contrast. Tense and nervous body language then (bless him!), and totally relaxed and at ease now. :-)

Tense and nervous is actually a good description of me, during the process of making this collage! It took the best part of two hours, and I'm not sure I'd know how to do again if I tried. After my recent unsuccessful attempt at using Photoshop to turn Alfred's nose red, I thought I'd try a collage instead. I decided to do a comparative image. I took a photo of an old photo of Alfred taken when he had recently arrived home with us as an eight week old pup, and a photo of him today, aged eight, lying in the sun as usual!

By total fluke, and after much fiddling and deleting and starting again, it turned out satisfactorily - to me anyway!

So here it is! My first collage. :-)

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