
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Auld Alliance

A little tamer photo today after yesterday's High Street pic.

A very lazy morning, only getting up and out in time to catch the Mugenkyo Taiko Drummers. Superb! We were tired just watching them.

In the afternoon we all went our separate ways, rejoining in time to eat and then go back into town to watch the England v Scotland football match. BS had kindly saved us some seats and the tension began. How is it that even 'friendlies' that don't count are tense? Thankfully both sides conducted themselves well with no clear winner or loser (in my opinion - others are welcome to differ). Our little group support opposite sides but can do so respectfully so that instead of furthering the Auld Enemy narrative, we built on the Auld Alliance that we have forged over years of friendship.

So here you have a photo of that Auld Alliance. From the left (always), Dr T, BS and D. Next mission; to get a photo of nephew M. Please wish me luck!

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