
By sas05


mudeford quay..crabbing.. battle cry from libby... "i have crabs" took the biscuit ..100s flock to this place to dangle their bags of mackerel...which the crabs dont go for.. its prawns or bacon.. but hey ,, you can always tell them that have just bought their line ,bucket and bait from the local fishmongers..lolol..
had a muck about at the sea vultures flying around yelling "mine ..mine..mine" at every bit of crap thrown in the sea..using TV,,shutter priority...just hopefully to get this sort of effect..
thought id get my blip for today done early.. just have packed the girls off to a friends for a sleep over,, ive just cleaned my lens and charged my batteries and then were off to birmingham to see The brilliant Christians...looking forward to meeting their manager and a friend there,, taking a set of pix and listening to some great tunes..damn long drive though..but worth it ..

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