Scottish Flyer

By ianjardine

A view from above (a sad post)

Hi all

Apologies for my absence.

Back to work today but where am I you ask. Well, I managed to capture this image of Mont Blanc on todays early flight to/from Pisa, Italy as we crossed the French-Italian border at 35,000ft. A beautiful clear morning for flying and it was so unusual to see the Alps free of cloud. I just had to reach for the camera.

As I say, I apologise for my absence this past week. As some of you know, my Border Collie Tizzy has been extremely unwell recently and I'm saddened to say I had to make the extremely difficult decision to say "night,night" for the last time and put her to sleep. I've lost my best friend and companion that has shared everything with me these past 16 years and I feel completely lost. The house is very empty and my mind has certainly not been on photography.

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