ToWi's Journal Top

By ToWi

Day 1 Road Trip

You can drive via freeway from Los Angeles to Park City Utah in 13 hours. Or you can take the scenic route and do it in 4 days like we did.

The drive from Los Angeles to Las Vegas is fairly boring 4 hours if you've done it a few times. Today was a bit more exciting. As we stopped at Baker for gas it was 111 degrees and off in the distance were monsoonal clouds. 1/2 hr later we were in the hills and driving though heavy rains in heavy traffic and the temperature had dropped to 66 degrees! (In Celcius that's 44 down to 14).

But being Los Angeles drivers as most of our fellow travelers were, there was heavy downhill tailgating in awful conditions. In one 20 minute-2 mile stretch we saw 3 cars off the road. One on its side. Luggage strewn all over. One nose dived into a hill. The rain was over in 20 minutes. Some of us made it through unscathed.

The "lake" you see in the picture is not a lake but a flash flood over what is usually just a flat flat flat bed of sand.

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