Bowling Green

There's something incredibly civilised about seeing a bowling green, along with a cricket pitch and their respective pavilions in a town/village.
I see them as the last bastions of civilisation.
Bakewell is very lucky in having them both and whilst their not used as much as I'd like to see them, it's extremely reassuring to have them in our town as a couple of the many places that go to makeup the glorious aesthetic of Bakewell,
Plans are afoot to make them more accountable, what with government and therefore council cutbacks.
This is something I feel really strongly about with what could be another nail in the coffin for a short term gain.
It never ceases to amaze me and therefore angry that most of the world's problems stem from the rich and their sheer causing the majority of our economic problems with the worlds population who that have the least being made responsible.
Apologies for rant but it makes me so hetup that this is the case.

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