My Little Life......

By dizzyflouk

Special day.

We met up with friends at Hestercombe Gardens today. We don't see them very often and it was good to catch up. Had lunch and sat and chatted for about 3 hours. It was lovely.

Dave and I then went for walk around the gardens. Hestercombe is very special to me as it used to be the home of Somerset fire brigade and my grandad worked on the switch board there dealing will fire 999s. As small children my brother and I used to used to go there to visit my grandad when he was working and play in the formal gardens - it wasn't open to the public then, so they were our gardens. It's now a bit wierd having to share 'our garden' with public.

There is a wall there built with bricks with inscriptions on them. The one in the picture is my nan and grandad and it was the first time i'd seen it. It was one of their favourite places also.

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