
By cowgirl

Nelson's Tinker

Had a lovely day with the girls and their horses. Emma on Nelson managed a second and a forth in their two classes.

Lou took Winnie around the jumps in a separate ring specially set up to give young horses some experience. Emma and I were setting up any knocked poles and Jean was holding Nelson outside the ring. Emma had to run off after a few minutes to check out the course for the next competition she was in - and Nelson decided he wanted to go too, so he freed himself from Jean and galloped after her!

Fortunately, he made straight for the horse box and waited there. Gave us all a heart attack!

In the afternoon Lou had to work, so Emma, Jean and I visited The Lamer Tree before returning to the farm for dinner.

I'm still there with them now, so will have to comment on your journals tomorrow, as it's going to be about 11pm before I get home. Night all!

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