
First day back at work since the end of June. An in-service morning, a gentle introduction into the swing of things.

Down to the book festival in the evening for the David Peace event. He's written some of my favourite books that I've read in recent years and I loved hearing him read from his latest one, Red Or Dead, all about Bill Shankly but I can't help feeling that this is a book that I'd rather hear read out loud as a performance piece like tonight than actually sitting down with. 720 pages in a relentless, obsessive, repetitive, heavily stylised form. Peace himself was even quite clear in admitting that it might not be for everyone. It's on order from the library, we'll see how this one goes!

And, whilst I remember, he's actually on at Word Power books tomorrow lunchtime reading, well worth a trip.

Finished the evening off at the Unbound event in the Spiegeltent down there. A really enjoyable event with Stornoway's finest - Kevin MacNeil and Willie Campbell ably supported by young Shetland singer-songwriter Jordan Ogg.

Right, bit of music to close. I was a big Liverpool fan when I was a boy, although firmly ensconsed in the post-Shankly Bob Paisley era when the bug first struck. I've linked to this track before on here, but it really is one of the best football-themed tracks ever.

El-Eye-Vee-Ee-Are-Pee, Double-Oh, El, Liverpool FC

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