Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

It's Wet

Woke up this morning to a good overnight soaking. When I went out to check on my beans, I noticed that this yellow rose looked so sad. Sort of reminded me about how I'm going to feel later today.

We'll be going into town to see if the shop which stocks school uniforms, has the whole school uniform this time. Last time I was in, the blazers were too small, so they had to order one, that has now come in and has been put aside. They were due to get in the bigger trousers this week, so I just hope we are going to find a pair that fit, most kids of school-going age aren't over 6ft tall with a waist the size of barbie a thin pole.

Knots in my stomach every time the subject of 'school' is brought up. I'm trying not to count the weeks, but every now and again, I do, and 'gulp', it's getting closer and closer. I kid you not, I've even had a couple of nightmares about it, although my head keeps telling me it's the right choice.

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