You can't teach an old dog to forget
This is another swallowtail butterfly - not wet this time. He loitered around our garden for ages this lunchtime. I went to take some shots and Mr B commented "Haven't you already taken a photo of one of those?" Sigh, sometimes he just doesn't get it.
Anyway, he chose which one of the 120 shots I should put on. I think it shows how butterflies are really just grubs with wings. Like hanggliders really.
Lovely relaxing day though, with Mr B back from London. We had thought about going shopping... but opened a bottle of Rose instead - that kind of lazy day.
Fun with the kids in the pool again. Katherine has been learning how to do forward and backward rolls in the pool and how to do handstands underwater. She looked a bit sceptical when I said she should listen to what I was recommending, technique wise, because I used to be really good at these things. So, of course, I had to go and prove it. And I still have it! I think they were pretty impressed. I know I was. I'm sure my creaky old joints will pay for it tomorrow (it must be a good 24 years since I tried any of that stuff). But until the sore muscles kick in, I suddenly feel young again... ish. Anyway, hence the title.
Speaking of feeling young, anyone not seen the Evian roller-skating babies yet?
And here's a way to get £5 out of Ryanair.
And what about this scheme to allow German tourists to get their towels on the pool loungers before they even leave home.
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