M&S Banking

It was completely fortuitous that my visit to the M&S Bank at the Gyle this morning to enquire about a missing online deposit, should coincide with the 1st Birthday of their Edinburgh branch.

There was cake and sparkling water on tap as I waited in a comfy chair to be seen by a teller. Although His Lordship is not party to this bank he felt free to avail himself of not one piece of cake but 2 pieces and also to wonder if he could maybe have some champagne instead of water.

It was all a bit different from my local branch of RBS, (and I'm aware that I am a lucky person to have a branch 300 yds up the road, when closure of small branches is the name of the game), where you might have to stand in a queue for some considerable time while a luckless foreign student with money problems commands an inordinate amount of time at the desk.

And so in comfort and fortified by iced sponge cake, my problem was aired and hopefully will be * rectified soon.
I wondered whether my putting in good internet exposure for them might result in pecuniary advantage to me.
It seems not.

* And rectified it has been, and the missing deposit is now safely in the correct account. Good service after faulty online banking by me.

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