
By shy


..the pigeon-goosing spikes is a scene of drab grey-green, or is it green-grey?
In other words it's pissing down again and the weather forecast is to be pissing down tomorrow too. We are going on holiday for the next two weeks somewhere in the middle of France where it will probably be hot and dry whereas this week there will be some poor people with a couple of young kids sitting in a tent somewhere in the Lake District on the first week of their well-earned summer holiday waiting for the rain to stop and wondering how the hell they're going to keep them entertained for yet another day.
So even though I'm working all the hours God gave me, I still feel happier to be in the dry rather than out there.
Having said that, I've been out in the rain clearing my personal posessions from the car that was to take us on holiday after the pre-holiday service* bill from the garage for items that in my view weren't essential (who needs an engine management system anyway?) led the leasing company to have a hissy-fit and write the car off.
At the moment they've given me a smaller car as a replacement with no foreign-legal documentation ...and the ferry leaves on Saturday, and Flick has just realised she needs to take two bags. However, battle with the leasing company is actually going quite well, and there is some light coming over the horizon in the form of something more suitable - but I don't know what yet.

* Note to self. For the first time in your life you got organised - with all the planning and documentation in place in excellent time. The pre-holiday service was a master-stroke of dilligence safety and care. Next time, do what you always do, throw caution to the wind and wing it. Serves you right you smug whatsit.

PS thanks to everybody who placed good wishes on Flicks and my journals yesterday.

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