
By spannarama

Toe update!

(Back blipping this for yesterday.)

Well, we're on our way...! Things took a turn for the better today when Tim decided to take a pair of scissors to his brand new walking trainers to give his broken toe some extra space. If you look closely at his right foot in this photo, you may notice his stockinged toe poking out at the side of his shoe!

It was a massive relief when he did this and found it made him able to walk again - before this he couldn't bear to put a pair of shoes or boots on - a slight drawback when we've got to walk up Ben Nevis in three days!

I had a busy day at work (Tim stayed home butchering his shoes), then we finished off our packing at home this evening. Set off to Euston late in the evening and boarded the sleeper train about 11. Popped open a bottle of champagne and sat happily watching the night go by outside before heading to bed about 1:30am :)

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