
By LeeRoo


I think I did well not to stop at the curry house this evening, knowing I was coming home to an empty flat and an empty fridge! As you can see, I've got the essentials covered - in my world a jar of olives and a bottle of pinot grigio are all that's required for a good night in.

Mixed sort of day today. Got myself wound up trying to do something this morning that was - as Maski would say - like wading through treacle. Then I had a really productive and enlightening conversation with a student. And then I spent the afternoon feeling tired and irritable! It feels like it's been a long week and while I am really grateful to have a job I find satisfying, I've just had a couple of days in a row where it feels like people want more from me than I'm able to give.

Glad it's the weekend now. My resources are depleted and I need to stop to refuel, recharge and revive.

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