
By mandygf

driving in my car....

Cooper : mum mum do you hear that? ??
Me: no what is it?
Cooper : pied pipers. ..
Me: is it on tv?
Cooper : no its real life pied pipers... they're out there... (points outside).... listen... it's all Scottish. ...

*He meant bagpipers*

Day 4 of school & ...I don't know what to say....
his teacher said to me that Cooper is such a character. .. he's had the teachers in stitches with the things he's been saying
. ..Today they had fruit & he took her up a piece of kiwi fruit & said "I do like kiwi but it would make me very happy of you would accept this piece. .."

Cooper : mum we did dancing at school today... & I was on my bahookie. ..
Me: your what?
Cooper : bahookie... don't you know it's Scottish for bottom. ..

No I didn't. .. at least he's learning something at school. ... even if it is "bum" in different languages

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