Thursday: Abandoned

Today was one of those lovely random public holidays that you get in foreign parts - it was Assumption Day and therefore no work.  Hurrah!

The day itself was fairly languid but this evening we went out to meet Tea.  Tea works in the Chinese restaurant we go to - she is incredibly funny and has a very ready wit.  She is originally from Bosnia - Bosnians, as she reliably informs us, are known for their humour.  She also brought another friend with her, Ana.  Ana runs a wellness clinic and also teaches pole dancing.  Those of you whom I have met in person will be relieved to know that I shan't be signing up for lessons.........

It was a fun evening - we had a lot of laughs which might explain why all my photos from that part of the evening are a bit blurry.  So instead, here is an abandoned building, taken on our way to meeting them.  There are a lot of abandoned buildings here - something to do with complicated inheritance laws.

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