Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

All Smiles Now She Is Crawling!

Took Eva for her settling in session with the child minder this morning. I only left her an hour and apparently she cried the whole time I was away. It was awful :0(
She fell asleep on the short drive over there and probably just got overwhelmed. I'm taking her again on Monday a bit earlier so hopefully she wont be so tired. Its so hard to time these things as she doesn't nap at regular times and some days not at all! Toby went as well and I asked him if he had given Eva a cuddle to cheer her up. He replied "I don't cuddle babies".

He's been in a really funny mood recently so I spent the afternoon just ignoring the million and one other things I have to do and just focused on playing with him. We made gingerbread men and set up a campsite with his campervan collection and eventually his rocket landed there too. I had to watch the campsite when he needed the loo in case Eva touched it. He's really not got this sharing thing at all! Which is a problem as Eva managed to do her first forward crawl today so now she will be able to reach all the toys! She's ever so happy with herself.

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