
By Fido

Amongst the Giants

We've not been in the big smoke for a while. We had forgotten just how big these monsters got, which is why I ended pointing him out to my boys and staring at him and getting up close and personal, close enough to get my phone out and take a photograph of him. It was very embarrassing for my husband, who is much more accustomed to city life than the rest of us country folks. I guess he is right, I mean it is just a seagull perched on top of a car, and we did look kind of daft standing around laughing at it in the middle of a busy Friday night street.

We had a very special Friday night film night tonight as an end of holiday treat; movie at the cinema and pizza in a restaurant. We even took the train in to Aberdeen to add to the excitement. Thank you very much Mr Tesco Clubcard.

The littlest lasted 80 minutes of a two hour film before starting to whimper, which I reckon is pretty good going for just four months old. I think I was nearly 10 before I first went to the cinema. We left the cinema at that point and had a wee wander around the shopping centre whilst waiting on the others.

In other news, my lovely husband spent a day in our old house doing landlordy things before the next batch of students pick up their lease in a couple of weeks. He expected to have to cut the hedge, re-grout the bathroom tiles and get the electrical appliances pat tested. He did not expect to find the bathroom ceiling collapsed inside the bath. *Groan*

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