300 reasons...

300 reasons to live...
300 reasons to die for...

at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I still can scream at the top of my of voice that blip is the best online community that I have ever come across. Sometimes, sitting idle at home, when I browse through my old entries of my trips and treks, it is like reliving those moments all over again. None of us can thank blipcentral and other fellow-blippers enough for creating and nurturing this wonderful family. Thanks guys - you all rock!

journey from 200 to here has been pretty quick (by my standards)...not too many missed days. My photography has also changed (evolved?) over the period - which means progress, and progress is a good thing :) Lets see where it takes me and the rest of us. Thank you again...

as customary...some of my personal favs from the last 100...

1. Coffee?
2. Coffee? yet again :)
3. Lets race?
4. Monsoon riding - day 2
5. biking and photography
6. Weekend shoot
7. Weekend ride
8. Mountain biking: Jibhi - Sojha (7 kms further up)
9. Mountain biking: Aut - Phagupul (22 kms up)
10. @Aut - gearing up
11. empty mind in a dark room is a devil's factory

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