
By Blanchmange

Busy day

It has been a good and bad day today.

It started badly - my rabbit, Mr Wenlock, was clearly not very well. So had to whisk him off to the vets. He might have a mass in his liver, but the vets admitted she wasn't the most experienced at palpating rabbits. The choices were a) having an ultrasound scan costing £226, and if it was a liver mass, the prognosis would be very poor, or b) antibiotics, painkiller, recovery food and wait and see. I opted for option b. Today he is perkier, has eaten a little. So we continue to hope.

I then went across to Didcot and the clutch/gearbox of my car was playing up - so turned around to take it to nearby garage, when it started to work OK, so continued to Didcot.

Saturday 17th is my daughters 19th birthday and she wanted to spend the day with her best friend, so I came over the day before to celebrate with her. She opened her presents from me, and we had some owl birthday cake.

I spent the afternoon with my ex tackling some brambles that had gone mad in the back garden - looking much better now. But by the end he was in a very bad way (existing spinal condition), and I was starting to get pain to do with my gall stones.

We all went out, together with my daughter's friend, for a lovely Italian meal in the evening. But my pain escalated. I was in agony, but tried to contain it bcz I didn't want to spoil it for my daughter. I then somehow drove home, and took some stronger painkillers and went to bed in agony. So I now post this photo the next morning.

Happy birthday to my daughter.

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