The Three Boats.....a Long Story.

I went out this afternoon ready to shoot in shades of grey…the clouds were so thick full of rain.
The river was full of pelicans……the light was so lovely and the water clear as crystal.
The sky as the sun was setting became more and more beautiful…golden sun rays shooting up into the sky with beautiful soft pinkish reflections in the still water.
Just to think I nearly didn't bother….I would of missed a spectacular show.

On the way home I was listening to CSN&Y…'Our House' is a very very fine house………….I rocketed back to my 20's and remembered how simple & free life was then and wondered how the hell it got to be so complicated.
We were hippies then and moved from house to house state to state country to county without a second thought. Going to live in Asia for a long period of time…I packed a toothbrush ….Jaiya's teddy bear …and a bottle of tea tree oil..and not much else…we could get everything else we needed where we went for not much money…besides sarongs were a fabulous and smart thing to wear.

I like to go out to take a blip everyday…just being down by the river watching the birdlife and the way the water ripples when boats go past somehow takes me back to a simple pleasure and to a place were things arn't so complicated.

Smiles come best from those who weep.
Lightning, then the rain-laughter.
~Rumi (not the dog)

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