Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Play days

The day didn't start the best, as I woke up to R shouting at DM to leave her alone and "I can do it!" DM, R&P were all playing in the dressing room while I was trying to get a couple more Zzzz's. as expected, the morning we don't have to rush to get up, they were wide awake and ready to play at 7.15am.
While R&P were tidying up, DM decided that she was going to clear up the jigsaws that they'd made. However of all the jigsaws to clear up, she chose to avoid the floor puzzle and the loose puzzle bits that were on the floor; and broke up the two jigsaws that R had made and already put in the box. Poor R got so upset with DM, and just kept saying to her "Not that one DM, that's special. DM, it's special!"
I'm really struggling to get over DM's spiteful streak at the moment. It's like she's oblivious of other's desires, accomplishments or feelings. The way I thought best to deal with it yesterday was to ask her to tidy up by herself, knowing that she had only made a small amount of the mess. I can't punish her by taking something off her, as her attitude is "oh well, I'll just play with or do something else". Generally, DM is such a kind hearted, helpful and intelligent little lady, this spiteful streak is new and very upsetting to see in her. :(
We had a lovely morning with friends at The Playpit. A fabulous place for the girls to run around and let off some steam. DM had three friends with her, R&P had three friends also - Aj had everyone to fuss about her ;). I have noticed that when in big groups or in groups of 2 or more friends, DM can be quite a loner. Drifting in and out of playing with her friends, but mainly wandering off and playing by herself. She's not bothered by it, I'll often find her sitting reading books.
We stayed at The Playpit for lunch and then went off shopping for DM's school clothes.
A wander round Asda with four little ones can attract quite a lot of attention. Especially when the youngest two like the fact that their screams echo! I always have Pops & Aj in the seats in the trolley. R sits in the centre of the trolley & DM helps me pick the shopping and steers the trolley. We have a good routine and most of the time, it works really well.
I had a few couples laughing at us when I got them excited about a "treat". When in the queue for the tills, I had remembered that we needed some cereal. I was at the bottom of the cereal aisle so quickly ran to get the cereal. The girls hadn't seen what I picked up, so I hid one box behind my back. They were smiling at me when I walked back towards the trolley asking what I was hiding. I was really happy with how well they had behaved while we did the shopping and asked if they knew four girls that had been a big help. They all smiled and got excited, saying "Me, me, me, me". It was wonderful to see their delight when I showed them a box of Coco Pops Croc Feet Cereal. They all screamed with excitement. Everyone around us, looked over and laughed or smiled at us getting excited over a box of cereal! It certainly ended our shopping trip with a happy family :D
We got home, had tea and then the girls had a visitor to help with bath time. Auntie Leah made a surprise visit and they loved it.
This photo was taken after bath time, and it shows how different R&P really are. They are very different heights, hair colour and so much more! Yet, the love they share is amazing.
We had them tucked up asleep for 7pm, and I finished my day with a lovely meal out with my Mum followed by a gossip with my bitchass; whilst Peach stayed at home killing Aliens.

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