Lisa's blipping life

By Lisamoore

What a strange day!

I was really tired this morning after the late night last night, so when the phone rang at 8.30 to say the men were coming to finish our drive in an hour! I wasnt too happy to be getting up.
I had thought of a leisurely brew and social media catch up in bed, a long hot shower before doing the asda shop.
So when 3 and a half hours later, after rushing round to get ready, doing the washing, ironing getting up to date with K's accounts they still werent here, i wasnt in the best of moods.
But they came full of apoloiges and got to work. Unfortunetly that also meant i was stuck in the house until they had done!

Then the phone rang and a lady who i didnt know told me that my long awaited parcel of wool roving had been delivered to her by mistake. ( I live at 106 and she lives at 16) She had sent it back twice and it had been sent back to her. She had to open the parcel to find my name and number, bless her!
She was also curious as to what i used it for as she was a crafter herself. So i told her i would show her some and explain when i collect it.

Finally about 5.30 the drive was done and lovely it looks too.
So at 6.30 we set of to do the asda shop!
While at asda i spotted this brightly coloured owl! So i took a photo so i can use it to make a felt from.... It brightened my mood too!

Back home a late tea and i went to collect my wool.
What a lovely lady, she was overwhelmed with the felts i took round and asked me if i did classes or workshops! ( thats over 20 people who have asked me this week!!)
I told her itvwas something im seeing into and if (when?) i do i would let her know!

Funny how things turn out isnt it......;)

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