
By stellarossa

200: A day out.... capture my 200th blip. Tom is aghast that I haven't done a special '200' theme but we have compromised on doing something special for a random number, and he has chosen blip 222 ('because it's a cool number') and is already making plans. It may involve pyrotechnics of some sort.....

Back to the day out though. After racing on our bikes to the rail station for our train to London, we managed to squeeze in a wander around Selfridges before heading to the National Theatre for Othello with Adrian Lester and Rory Kinnear. The boys had watched Mr Selfridge on TV - a rather unusual choice for teenage boys, but they loved it - so wanted to see the famous store itself. They spent a long long time in the technology department playing with the gadgets.

We met Andrea, Richard and their teenage son, Nicky, for lunch on the South Bank and then sat through a magnificent 4 hours of an expertly staged Othello. Lester was fantastic and Kinnear, who always gets to play the unlikeable characters, was a sneering, pitiful Iago, but also had great comic timing too.

Tom's just gone off to bed, carb-loaded in prep for tomorrow's race. The double has raced three times, twice disastrously and once with great glory. Which will it be tomorrow, I wonder?

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