West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Tower of Strength

The weather has been so so poor here today the rain horizontal at times driving into the face of those brave enough or foolhardy enough to venture out, the tranquillity of last evening shattered by a westerly wind with a bite keen, sharp cutting to the quick like a winters day. In a brief respite from the elements my only shot was of the church previously shot as divine intervention

I have spent a great deal of the day withdrawn and listening to music, scrolling through my ipods to find old songs , songs of memories, those songs that take you to a different time and place, to a moment in time that for good or ill hold significance and come whatever may always will. Very few people I know use music to evoke these memories but as some of you will know music is part of my being, who I am its in my soul. I have been building my collection since I was about 11, these days I dont drink nor smoke but I do buy music my collection extending to over 6000 albums. Some albums are played often, some songs added to playlists for studying, for calming, for lifting spirits and some for my friend,

The lyric today is by an Australian singer songwriter, Mick Hart, he is an amazing singer, and a truly gifted live performer, this song is a truly beautiful song Butterfly the butterfly a metaphor for a lover, perhaps a love lost or forsaken that is the beauty of lyrics they can mean so many things to so many people and perhaps why music is such a powerful mediun especially here stripped down to acoustic instruments and a single, haunting, beautiful voice.

So you go
And i wait
Spirits wandering

Do you feel like i feel?
Are you there?
What are you dreaming of?
Lie with me
Kiss me in my sleep
Share my soul tonight
Precious butterfly
Dressed in blue
Golden energy
In the softest voice
Whispered love to me

Cradled in nakedness
With the moon and stars
Watching over us

Lie with me
Kiss me in my sleep
Share my soul tonight
Precious butterfly

As the candle burns away
You melt into my arms
Lie with me
Kiss me in my sleep
Share my soul tonight
Precious butterfly
Lie with me
Lie with me
Lie with me
Beautiful butterfly

The shot of the church shows the more conventional view that some will recognise, the tower dominating the skyline of our little village, visible from just about everywhere. Its nothing more today than an emergency Blip with a little musical dalliance thrown in, here is hoping the weather lifts and tomorrow is a better day for us all!

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