The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Well Ukulele does it

And they do it so well. A fun set which engaged the audience and an hour melted in front of our eyes.

I definitely recommend them for light relief, from the push down your throat, crazy comedy fest that is the Fringe. I did go to see a free show, which again was a change. The lost letters of Cathy G. It may not have been top of the pile, but clever and some real gold in there.

I had a wonderful day doing some art, some music and a lot of sitting down coffee drinking. Lunch at Nona's kitchen was not bad either, chased down with a wee Vino Bianco.

My festival day was great, but also great was the fact that the camera shop in Morningside, "Lent" me a lens to take on holiday as mine was not yet ready.

How cool is that?

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