First Step

Step by step instructions for getting through an estate sale.

Step 1: Drive through Dutch Brothers and get a mocha

Step 2: Ummm

Sometimes it's hard to remember the other steps...

Edit: OK, now that I've had a good sleep, the truth is, we were waking and thanking God for His strength and help long before the mocha! On my drive to the mocha, I passed some folks in their yards and flashed them a "good morning" smile, only to remember that smiles are not long term medication. A merry heart truly is good medicine...but you do have to keep taking it. I love the release of good chemicals into the system with a big smile. I'm so glad to have that build in medicine! We smiled our way through the customers and everyone had a good laugh. It was a light hearted atmosphere, one I would be happy to spend my day in!

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