
By samsticks

Dalek Attack!

Backblip - I was travelling so out of internet acces for a couple of days

We got to Heathrow in good time and managed to get heaps of luggage through without any excess baggage charges, which is pretty amazing.

Little did we know what was about to happen.

We made it through security and sat down for some breakfast in the main hall. I managed to slurp down my (thankfully) last oversized, overmilked, under-coffeed English coffee, then there was a huge bang behind me.

I turned to see a Dalek crashing through the ceiling. "EXTERMINATE!" it screamed. I was petrified and frozen to the spot. The Dalek started blasting away and havok ensued. Laser blasts were taking out bench seats and people left, right and centre. Still, I couldn't move. Then, out of the blue, I saw Miles bum-shuffling towards the Dalek! This was particularly surprising as he's not been able to scoot around before. Either because it didn't see him as a threat, or just because it didn't see him, the Dalek paid him no heed.

I stood watching, shocked at the destruction in front of me, but in awe of Miles' courage... I wanted to see what he would do next.

All of a sudden he was under the Dalek. Out of nowhere (his nappy?) he produced his sippy cup, and whacked, gouged and hammered all over the evil machine. It was all over so fast. The Dalek was soon incapacitated, and shut down, with wires and battle scars all over it. There were no Timelords to be seen.

His amazing job done, Gina hoisted Miles up and gave him a huge hug, completely stunned.

He dribbled on me, and surveyed the scene. That's when I took this shot, with the defeated Dalek in the back.

Amazingly, our flight was still on time. We boarded and set off home to Melbourne.

At that point, I wish we had the Tardis.

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