Trial and Error

By DawnC

Brodgar sunset

Hey, Son2,could you just move a couple of paces to your right?

Another busy day, starting with a lovely walk along the beach at Churchill Barrier Number 3. We pretty much had it to ourselves and the sun was beating down and Jasper had a great time playing fetch. Afterwards we headed off to see Banks Chambered Tomb, aka the Tomb of the Otters, so-called because otter poo was found in amongst the human remains. It's a little tomb in the car park of the Skerries bistro (where we had an al fresco lunch) which has caused much excitement due to the human remains being undisturbed since Neolithic times. It will be interesting to see what else they find out to aid interpretation of it.

I would thoroughly recommend the Orkney fudge cheesecake in the bistro.

We returned to the Ring of Brodgar at sunset (at short notice when we realised there was going to be one) and it was a wonderful sight to behold.

Then more pool and a beverage or two more (Christine and I having discovered the unlikely joys of Pina Colada).

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