Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Bridge over the river....???

It's not a very good pic, infact it's a complete fabrication. It's a backdrop of the hills of Arran from the The Ross with a shot of my latest acquisition (taken today) layered in front.

The story is interesting (well it is to me). A retail outlet was being refitted and this beautiful but battered 10 arch viaduct was intended for the skip!

Last week I got a call from a friend asking was it any use to me and that if it was I'd have to be quick to save it! So last Thursday this rather large construction, nearly 5 feet long was manhandled into the back of the 4x4 and rescued. It's now taking up far too much space in my office while I work out how to fit it around Port Appin!

It'll be reclad, repainted and refurbished with all the cracks and missing plaster repaired. Then I'll probable model a river beneath it or a Scottish country road with a passing place. Decisions. decisions.

Some days are diamond, some days are stone....

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