Kat's eye view

By kats_eye


my limbs my body my head

Fragmented is not
the word/too harsh

my edges are blurred, melting like chocolate

my limbs my body my mind
dispersed to the furthest reaches
I have no sense of the edges

my boundaries are dissolved are the bubbles
over or under my skin?
within the thrum hum of breath outside or within?

Sharp cut goggles on cheekbones the only reminder

floating is not, this, not bobbing. I am this mass of water, not fleeting.

My thoughts are the sliding wavering light dancing on the tiles refracted reflected
I scatter like mercury

my thoughts are not drifting, they are not at all
have simply expanded encompassed vast blue serenity
there is nothing

the occasional pop of my joints

I do not remember
if ever
so utterly
transcendant deep turquoise blue

heart slows throbs bass breath held

perhaps never
perhaps I do not remember
ever forever
this deep

And still now, still after,
still skeins of glistening bubbles trail lazily
each movement swirls eddies in air
as velvet as liquid

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