
By CamilleR

Day 1 : Omaha

Hello, my name is Camille, I'm a French student living about 2 hours away from Paris ! Within the next month, I'll be travelling to :

- Omaha (August 14th - August 28th) : I lived there for a year in a host family so I'm going to visit them.

- Montreal (August 28th - September 1st) : going to visit a friend who lives there.

- Boston (September 1st - September 6th) : I met an American girl on my city in France this year and I'm going to visit her and her family !

- New York (September 6th - September 9th) : We are going there for the weekend with my best friend from France !

- Kingston, RI (Septe;ber 9th - September 14th) : Staying with that same best friend at her university in Kingston for a week !

This blog will be in both English and French, hope you'll like it !

Depart le 14 Aout 2013 de l'aeroport Charles de Gaulles a Paris pour Omaha tout en passant par Dublin (sur la photo) et Chicago. Tres long voyqge et tres fatiguant si on prend en compte le fait que j'etais a cote d'un enfant de 10 ans et surtout devant une petite fille d'environ 5 ans qui avait une voix bien developee pour son age !
Arrivee a Chicago en douceur et transfert du terminal 5 a 1 sans grande difficulte avant d'atteindre Omahaa 22h20, accueillie comme il se doit par mon ancienne famille d'accueil Connie, Danny et Larae !

I left on August 14th from the airport of Charles de Gaulle to Omaha and had 2 layovers, one in Dublin (pictured) and one in Chicago. The flight was quite tiring considering I was sitting next to a 10 year old kid but he was pretty quiet compared to the 5 year-old girl who was sitting in front of me !
After a long layover in Chicago, finally got to Omaha around 10:20 pm, greeting by my former host family !

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