Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

The wasserfall in Saarburg

Spent the day in Saarburg. Started off by watching the dragon raceing. So many teams and such a long event. I think we got there around 11:00 and didn't leave till 17:00 and they had only just finished the last race. Great atmosphere.

Saarburg itself is very picturesque and the waterfall for which it is famous is truly beautiful and so is my picture for the day.

The weather was not brilliant today. Rain in the morning but it cleared and the rest of the day was warm but overcast.

Two memories:

* Eating and drinking is soooo much better value he than it is in France.
* We walked through the vinyards and up the hill that overlooks the town and took the chairlift down. For Diana who is terrified of heights, this was a major achievement. Well done girl!

Luxembourg tomorrow as the weather looks to be a bit mixed again. The rest of the week looks set to be fine with temperatures in the mid 20s. We've already identified a 60km bike ride that follows the route of the river and so should be fairly level and easy going. we just need to find a bike hire shop first. Didn't see one in Saarburg today

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