But This Was Sunday Morning

Today I was called upon to lead worship away from home. I often do so off our campus but rarely on Sunday morning.

It's not unusual for me to find myself in new and different surroundings on a weekly basis. Most times on multiple occasions, but this was Sunday morning.

Being a creature of habit, I arise at the same time each Sunday and follow the same routine. In fact the routine continues until rehearsal begins which is roughly a couple of hours from the time I wake.

So this morning I slept in late, made my coffee a little stronger, and had the joy of my wife's company on the journey to the church.

I drove an additional fifteen miles, but at a leisurely relaxed pace that was conducive to a prayerful spirit.

The flow of the service was a reflective one, a look back at my spiritual upbringing. The building was awesome in it's historic preservation, and the combined effect was very moving for me.

It was also filled with some nice moments of sharing. The congregation's response to my song offerings was overwhelming. Their engagement in worship was a special blessing.

Though it looked and felt different, this was Sunday morning. It was good to break the sameness, but I look forward to the return next week.

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