Light & sight

By CameronDP

Graph brother and I bought our mother an iPad for her recent birthday. My brother was particularly keen to encourage our mother to video chat with her grandchildren in America more often. ...and so there I was earlier this evening.
I spent an hour e teaching our Mum the basics. A curious hour - teaching a 77 year-old how to use an iPad, you realise how many assumptions you subconsciously pick up and how unintuitive even the easier computers can be, if you don't have a common frame of reference to work with....But oor Mam is getting gamely stuck in and I'm sure she'll be grand in a few week or two, once she's had a chance to get used to the svelte charcoal rectangle which now sits on her dining table. She retired more than 15 years ago, you see, and back then typewriters were still to be found in office corners...along with cartons of Tipp-Ex correcting fluid! It doesn't seem that long ago that I was teaching Mum how to use a computer a mouse (can use them now!), and operate DVD players. She was a VHS diehard but now DVDs away to her heart's content, navigating her way through those animated menus like a pro....

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