Happy Birthday

Of course with kids you're lucky if you get to celebrate your birthday on your birthday with the emphasis on your self. Steve spent his birthday going on a family traipse to the library. Bean was tired before we even set off and was grateful for a wrap carry on my back. Bear snuggled onto his daddy after some persuasion, but was happy once he figured out we were going out. So, off to the library, return some books, choose another storybook, go to the toy shop for enamels for Steve's birthday present Harrier airfix that is his to build and paint theoretically with Bean! And then on the way home, called in at the fabric shop and chose some rather lovely grey pinstripe to use as a panel in the wrap conversion I'm planning for the fishes :) Bean at this point had had enough of walking but as Bear was now wrapped up and asleep on me, it was left to Steve to get Bean up in the fishes on his front, much to Bean's delight :) I've not seen Bean so content and relaxed and peaceful in - oh, maybe two weeks, since he was up in the Roses falling asleep at Gemma's wedding! Might be a pretty good investment getting the fishes converted to a carrier, will certainly make it easier on us to carry Bean. And Bear as he gets bigger.

Not entirely sure what's up with Bean at the moment. It feels like having a teenager around. I'm thinking growth spurt / developmental leap, bringing with it a temporary regression and crankiness which is massively wearing. Got to keep reminding myself he's just a kid, and it's my job as his mum to help us all get through this. Without killing each other. (Or damaging our relationship. That's pretty important too...)


Happy birthday old Bean ;-) xxx

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