
By MaryannA

Quiet Quaker Quick Quality!

Q is for Quality!
It was a Quiet day, but needed a Quick blip for "Q" in the alphabet challenge. This Quality snack product was just staring me in the face as I grabbed a granola bar for some Quick energy. Quaker Oats has been a familiar name for oatmeal since I was a child. They now have a whole line of Quick snack products that provide Quality and healthy snacks!

Today was rather calm and quiet and the weather was humid and rather boring. I took my grandson to the bookstore and bought him James Joyce's "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man." I told him I had read it when I was his age and going to art school in 1968. He loves reading and writing and art... and math (not so much). Amazing how he embodies so many of my loves and talents. I wish great things for his future! Today we spent some good Quality time, for sure.

a. An inherent or distinguishing characteristic; a property.

b. A personal trait, especially a character trait: "The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence" (George S. Patton).

2. Essential character; nature: "The quality of mercy is not strain'd" (Shakespeare).

a. Superiority of kind: an intellect of unquestioned quality.

b. Degree or grade of excellence: yard goods of low quality.

a. High social position.

b. Those in a high social position.

5. Music Timbre, as determined by harmonics: a voice with a distinctive metallic quality.

6. Linguistics The character of a vowel sound determined by the size and shape of the oral cavity and the amount of resonance with which the sound is produced.

7. Logic The positive or negative character of a proposition.

Having a high degree of excellence: the importance of quality health care.

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