The Dark Chronicles

By Maroo

Day.....oh who the heck knows anymore!

Last day on my adventure and the name of the game.....staying safe!

I was first security checked onto a bus (I know...a bus... like really). The bus that was meant to have free wifi and plug outputs didn't and was held together by tape and chewing gum! Met two lovely guys on the bus though. One 19 (who thought I was 19 haha) and the other in his 30s. Speaking to them pasted the time and distracted me from the fact I was traveling in a death trap.

My walk through the dodgy downtown area wasn't too bad but would have been awful if it had been night time.

I decided to go straight to the airport and sleep there as getting to my hotel would be more hassle than what it was worth. I've only slept for an hour but now wide awake. It's 1am usa time. I get to check in at 4am and my flight leaves at 7am.

I left Belfast a broken woman due to recent events. However, this trip has been life changing and I am returning a new and improved Maroo. I'm also returning to a second date ;)

I want to give a special thank you to Lady B for the pep talk I needed to go on this trip. I have LOVED every second....even the scarey parts haha!

The picture is of my favourite souvenir I got in San Francisco.

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