An Early Morning Watering

It turned out to be a bad decision to ride a short training run early this morning.

The choice was wind or traffic, and we opted for the Monday traffic rather than the Sunday wind.
What we I hadn't factored in was how busy the roads would be so early, but it should have been obvious - mea culpa!
Allied to the speed and volume of traffic in and out of Edinburgh was the appalling surface of the roads. It was a rant of mine last week and they seemed almost worse today.

Although Edinburgh roads are bad, I think the East Lothian main roads are probably worse. It was always said in our cycling group that the East Lothian roads were terrible but their toilets were brilliant. Since we had no recourse to the toilets today, the roads were what were judged.

We cycled a 30 mile loop via Musselburgh and Tranent to Ormiston and Pencaitland, before returning home again by Tranent and Musselburgh.

Downhill from Tranent was like riding a bucking bronco, with one hole in particular almost causing a staved wrist as I clung to the handlebars in grim determination not to be thrown off into the path of cars speeding past.

I stopped on the way out to blip the watering at 5 furlongs of the Musselburgh Racecourse.

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