Resonate - for fun

By Generate13


Weather up and down and all over the place. But thankfully the black cloud and rain just passed as we reached the top of Arthur's seat.

It was extremely windy! My hat took flight on its own.

I hadn't realised until I was climbing that I hadn't been to the very top of Arthur's seat this year. Which is quite unusual for me but I have been visiting the swan pond and the ruin as well as some of the other trails in the park this year. But I did notice I found reaching the top slightly harder than normal. Hopefully get my fitness back up to form soon. When I have the time or the health but things are looking like in a few weeks I'll be back to normal health and can plough on with getting healthier fitness wise :)

My Nikon DSLR got a trip up Arthur's seat but unfortunately I had forgotten it was low on battery so had to snap this from my trusty iPhone.

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