A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Wedding day preparations.

This is a back blip to Saturday and Grace and John's big day.

It was all go in the morning; we had a bit of a false dawn with a sunrise at 5.30am followed later by lovely light filtering through the gauzy wedding dress hanging from the wardrobe in our bedroom which highlighted the lace detail as you can see here.

The flowers arrived, the girls took over the bedroom with hair preparations (check out Grace's crazy hair in large) and Alex cleaning his and his dad's shoes outside the kitchen door.

Then we were off.

There were exciting and emotional moments out side the church but by this time I was inside but you can see some of these happenings as recorded by fellow blippers who were out in force watching and photographing all!
Corinthian column

Wendles56 sent me this lovely one of the couple leaving the church as man and wife. It is on her Photostream but I hope she won't mind me linking to it here.

We had a great trip in the bus and a super afternoon and evening with very memorable dancing especially from the bride and her 'maids'!

This was the reception room as they decorated it (I can show you it now as it is no longer top secret!)

Seemed to have muddled my dates here it should obviously be Saturday 17th August but can't get it to change so will post today's as Saturday!!!

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