Pursuit Of Happyness

By happyness

and this makes it all worth it.

Here's the deal with Mahu Kona. One night, when we got back to Mahu Kona, we set up our tents, and cook crew and I went to make dinner. In the middle of my Mac and Cheese making, I heard a scream from the dark. I went to check it out, because it seems that Jamie was missing, and it was her scream. I went to her tent where I found here over to it, looking into it. It turns out that she had left the tent open, and a centipede, and a scorpion found their way into her tent, and might have killed her, and Adam the other leader in their sleep. Luckily they killed them, and we were all cautious about leaving our tent open for the rest of the trip. Also, at Mahu Kona, we had a few incidences with some drunk women and men late into the night hours. In one specific case, these fat women were trying to kick us out of the pavilion that we were sleeping in, and succeeded. Also, these guys were trying to pick a fight with some of the other kids on our trip. Luckily, Jamie saved us. Although there were bad times at Mahu Kona, the scenery was amazing. One night, after a short rain, there was a full rainbow across the sky. A perfect full rainbow, is something that will echo in my mind forever. That...

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