
Tonight was the night. Freedom for Wesley!

We spent about an hour tonight exploring the street and the window. Wesley likes the bathroom window being open so he can jump in and out when he feels like it (or something scares him in the street).

He's not so hot on the cat flap yet. I've tried pushing his head through to show him how it's done, I've tried pushing my head through so he can copy me, I've tried tempting him through with dreamies. But he'll only actually go through it if I hold it open for him. I've had enough for tonight, we'll try again tomorrow now!

One thing I have learned though, is just how much everyone loves Wesley! I've had conversations with about 6 different people about how much they like him and how they always stop at my window to say hello to him through the glass. I've committed their names, faces, and in some cases addresses to memory - if Wesley ever goes missing I'll know where to check first! It appears though that Wesley does not reciprocate their love (for now at least) he runs a mile whenever anyone but me approaches!

In other news, I also had a brilliant run tonight. I even hit an 8.42 minute mile on my hilly road session - was pretty tired by the end of it, but pretty pleased too!

Today's run: 4 miles
August running mileage: 72 miles
2013 running mileage: 720 miles

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