A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Third-time lucky

Would be appropriate - had it not taken considerable more attempts than that at this (according to Carlos, over-engineered) blip day celebration shot. What is appropriate is that my guest photographer was the lovely SooB who introduced me to blip and was the subject of my first entry.

Obviously the day has been nothing but building towards this moment, including a trip to the Oriental Bazar for red balloons (and whilst we're there, restocking the water pistol and noodle supply). Lunch involved long discussions on the best way of (over)engineering the shot, though it turned out that just getting in the water and trying some stuff was the best, and most entertaining, way.

I can't write much more as I can smell that the celebratory barbecued pork chops are ready.

If I were better prepared or had more time I would link to one of my previous blipdays when I have written about why I love blip and all it gives me. Nothing has changed. I love all your blips whether I comment or not, I love that I can check in on any corner of the world whenever I want to, I love keeping in touch with friends who don't live so close and I love my blips for me and my family to look back on.

I shall leave the last word to the subject of so many of my blips, it's all rather three-ling (Jackson).

Lesley x

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