Plus ça change...

By SooB


It's hard work this blip day business. So here's a snapshot from behind the scenes at Lesley's blipday, where I was honoured to be asked to take the photo (well, the other choice was doing a handstand with balloons attached to my feet, so honestly what would you have chosen?)

Aside from the blip-celebrating, we had an early morning start (as in, we left the house at 9.30) to get in some essential shopping (mustard, beer, telephone extension cable and tat for the kids from the Oriental Bazaar). Then home fast for Mr B's business call, and some admirably quiet playing in the pool from the kids so he could sound vaguely businesslike and not like he was calling from a waterpark. Later, less quiet playing in the pool, closely followed by lunch (fried pasta and chorizo, dressed with goats cheese), some chilled time and, just in time for Carlos's business call, more pool action.

Tonight the kids are waiting for me to finish with Lesley's computer (which I am blipping from) to start their evening entertainment... so must dash...

Edit. Just a note to self not to forget the water balloon, butternut squash, penguin, 'thingy' show from the junior boys.

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