
By cowgirl

Forest Road Cottage

House viewing today!

We started at a 2 bed cottage where the owners were supposed to show us around. We waited for 15 mins but no-one turned up, so no wonder they haven't been able to sell it!

The above cottage was the second property we were to see and the one I have my heart set on. The details can be seen here.

We arrived 15 mins early and I had ample time to take photographs but only realised that I hadn't two viewings later! Anyway, the other houses didn't really push my buttons. Well, one did, it's beautifully done out, wouldn't need a thing doing to it, has a large garden but is at the end of a small estate and next to a railway line, neither of which really appeal to me.

Anyway, to be honest we've rather jumped the gun with the viewings as we haven't got a clue if we can even get a mortgage yet. We're now in the process of meeting with a financial advisor to take the next step.

Wish us lots of luck, I fear we're going to need it!

Sav has returned to Wiltshire as he's on nights this week. When he arrived home, Shadow was curled up asleep in the middle of our allotted parking space. Sav says at first he stared at the car as it's a new one ( Sav's parents gave it to us as they have a new one! ) til he realised it was Sav, then he moved so's he could park the car!!

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